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Review the detailed descriptions of the services that I offer. Let yourself gravitate towards whatever calls to you. This is the service you need. Trust yourself.

Once you select a service, you then select a price point, and send the funds along with your email and desired service.


Upon receiving payment, I will contact you to schedule a time that works for us to connect.

Where to Send

Listed are the forms of payment I accept and the account names:



Venmo: AngelicaG11


friends and family payment 


To be of greater accessibility to those in need, I offer a fluid system of payment options.


Please determine the price for each service you feel drawn to, considering the following:

  • Your payment is an energetic investment in your Self, the service, and our work together. It denotes what you are willing to give in order to receive what you are seeking. 


  • If you are able to pay the full price, it is ideal that you do so. This expression solidifies to the Universe your commitment to yourself and your healing. 


  • Paying a fuller amount supports the ability of another with less fortunate circumstances to receive service when they need it most. It creates balance. The gift of giving blesses all those involved. 


Safe Space

{Completely confidential session.}

This is a space for you to do whatever you need. I am a mirror for your experience. I reflect, rework, and guide you to your own conclusions.

30 Minutes:  $35     $44

60 Minutes:  $71     $80

Love & Letting Go

{Completely confidential session.}

Let's unravel the programs we hold about Love. In viewing the situation through multiple lenses, we learn about ourselves and the true meaning of Love.

30 Minutes:  $35     $44

60 Minutes:  $71     $80

Emotional Insight

{Completely confidential session.}

With a focus on reactivity and patterning, we seek the roots of behaviors. You will learn and practice emotional reworking and coping skills.

30 Minutes:  $35     $44

60 Minutes:  $71     $80

Spiritual Guidance

{Completely confidential session.}

Let's explore how to tap into your own innate spiritual skills. Together we create space for Spirit to move through with a message.

30 Minutes:  $35     $44

60 Minutes:  $71     $80

Recurring Sessions

Working together over a period of time allows for deeper exploration of the Self. With consistent check-ins we will:

  • overview and process experiences, reflect emotions, study patterns

  • discuss and practice emotional coping strategies, meditations, new modes of perceiving the world, ways to shift the Mind

  • explore difficult past experiences, and release the pent up pain and belief systems from those memories

  • develop a healthier connection and relationship with the body, while clearing shame and guilt that has been instilled from birth


Weekly:  $53 per 60 minute session | $212 a month 

Bi-Weekly: $62 per 60 minute session | $120 a month

Monthly: $55 per 50 minute session | $165 for a minimum of 3 months

*Payments preferred in monthly totals to secure sessions.



Detox Discussion

This is a 60 minute session of undivided attention to discuss any aspects of detoxification. You can ask questions about your current health situation, detox processes, mental and emotional aspects of your healing journey. It is a direct transmission of energy and information to support clarity and inspiration to work with yourself.

60 Minutes:  $75     $85    $100

Iris Analysis

This is an analysis of the iris that displays tissue weaknesses, genetic disposition, and bodily systems to focus on during your health journey. A 30 minute discussion allows for fluid understanding of how your iris reflects your health status. Iris photos are marked, labeled, and attached to a detailed PDF that includes detox recommendations and a personalized herbal chart.

Iris Consultation:  $53     $62      $71


The iris is connected to every organ and tissue of the body by way of brain and nervous system. The nerve fibers in the iris directly respond to changes in body tissues. The study of Iridology reveals tissue condition, where it is located, to what degree it is manifesting, toxic accumulation, your constitution (ability to heal fast or slowly), and genetic predispositions for conditions.


It is also a preventative tool, as Iridology can forewarn of approaching difficulties since tissue changes occur before symptoms emerge.

To be properly aware of our health level, we must know where our weak tissues are located. In this way, we can work to strengthen them, while avoiding those habits and practice that makes our tissues weaker.

Health Consultation

This is a 60 minute assessment of your current health situation to get you tapped into yourself. We discuss what symptoms indicate, ideal nutrition, detox, and how the body functions. After the session, you receive a PDF of easily digestible explanations with dietary and emotional recommendations. It also includes a personalized herbal chart that lists indicated uses and organs and systems affected by each plant medicine.

Full Consultation:  $80     $100     $120

Detox Program

This program is personalized to meet your needs and nourish your being into balance. It begins with a detailed health assessment to determine where you are. It includes detox meal plans and herbs that are updated each week. You receive raw and cooked plant-based recipes, and a variety of educational PDFs. We have weekly 60 minute detox check-ins via phone or Skype. Regular encouragement and support is available via text and email throughout the program.

4 Week Program:  $300     $350     $400


No two programs are alike. This is not a one-size-fits-all, regurgitated pre-constructed plan. I cater each experience to be as unique as you are.

The potency of my programs lies in the focus on mental and emotional aspects of detoxification and wellbeing.

Consistent support allows you the courage and skills to delve deep into yourself and your experience. By honoring every aspect of health, we invite the roots of symptoms to surface.


Having an ally to rely on benefits your ability to release the old and solidify new habits and mindsets. 

For details on the emotional guidance, refer to 'recurring sessions' listed above.


© 2018 by Angelica Griffin

DISCLAIMER: Angelica Griffin is not a medical doctor or counselor. She does not diagnose, prescribe medications, or prevent or treat diseases and mental illnesses. The information on this website is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical care or diagnosis. Angelica cannot be held responsible for any person’s reliance on the information. Testimonials received from satisfied clients, and all programs and services, are designed to benefit you as an individual, and no claim is made that past performance is indicative of future results. Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or mental illness. 
If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using these products and services.

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